Friday, October 29, 2010

hope i'll never this one in Malaysia !!!

The mother who shook her baby to death for interrupting her while she was playing Farmville !!!!

Alexandra V. Tobias , a 22-year-old mother from Jacksonville, Florida, has pleaded guilty to second-degree murder for shaking her 3-month-old son to death after his crying interrupted her FarmVille game.

She told investigators that she shook 3-month-old Dylan Lee Edmondson, smoked a cigarette “to compose herself,” and proceeded to shake him again. The baby may have hit his head during one of the two shakings, she said.

FarmVille, named one of the “worst inventions” in recent decades by Time magazine, has more than 60 million members, most of whom access the game through Facebook. Some players have found it so addicting that they've lost their jobs and racked up debts north of $1,000. Needless to say, it is Ms. Tobias — and not the game itself — that is responsible for the death of her 3-month-old son.

Progeria: the 80-Year-Old Children

Progeria is caused by a single tiny defect in a child's genetic code, but it has devastating and life-changing consequences. On average, a child born with this disease will be dead by the age of 13. As they see their bodies fast forward through the normal process of ageing they develop striking physicalsymptoms , often including premature baldness, heart disease, thinning bones and arthritis. Progeria is extremely rare, there are only around 48 people living with it in the whole world. However, there is a family that has five children with the disease.

I hope that in the near future, examples of pollution such as these, we will see only at photographs !!

what the hell is that !!!

this is what we call true love !!!

This couple is clearly happily in love and we should all respect it. We are entitled to our opinions but keep them to yourselves for the sake of hurting others.
It seems that once we get close to a person, the brain decides the need to assess their character and personality is reduced.
The study, by University College London,
The researchers found that both romantic love and maternal love produce the same effect on the brain.